Publikationsliste / Bücher

Th. Stahl, Wolfram Selter

Das ist bei der Sanierung feuchter Keller zu beachten (Teil 2). 

Applica, die Zeitschrift für das Maler- und Gipsergewerbe 8 (2024) 26-29.


Th. Stahl, Wolfram Selter

Hat ein Bau "nasse Füsse", braucht es viel Sorgfalt (Teil 1). 

Applica, die Zeitschrift für das Maler- und Gipsergewerbe 7 (2024) 14-17.


K. Ghazi Wakili, Th. Stahl, ICOMOS Suisse, Arbeitsgruppe System & Serie

Systembau in der Schweiz - Geschichte und Erhaltung.

Der Systembau aus Sicht der Bauphysik. 

Buch, gta Verlag (2022) 61 - 63


K. Ghazi Wakili, Th. Stahl

Energy-Efficient Retrofit of Buildings by Interior Insulation: Materials, Methods and Tools. 

Buch, Elsevier Verlag (November 2021).


Th. Stahl

Hat sich seit zehn Jahren bewährt. Aerogel Hochleistungsdämmputz 

Bauen im Bestand 5 (2021) 16-21.


Th. Stahl, K. Ghazi Wakili, E. Heiduk

Stability Relevant Properties of an SiO2 Aerogel-Based Rendering and Its Application on Buildings

Sustainability 2021, 13, 10035. 


Th. Stahl

Bei der Innendämmung steckt der Teufel oft im Detail. 

Applica, die Zeitschrift für das Maler- und Gipsergewerbe 2 (2021) 7-11.


K. Ghazi Wakili, Th. Stahl, D. Tracht, A. Barthel

Immediate measures to prevent further damage to the wall frescos of the "Ritterhaus Bubikon" 

Preventive Conservation - From Climate and Damage Monitoring to a Systemic and Integrated Approach Proceedings of the International WTA - PRECOM3OS Symposium, April 3-5, 2019, Leuven, Belgium (July 2020).


Th. Stahl, B. Zott, K. Ritter

Eigenschaften und Anwendung klassischer Dämmputze. 

Applica, die Zeitschrift für das Maler- und Gipsergewerbe 11 (2019) 26-28.


K. Ghazi Wakili,

Autoclaved aerated concrete under fire conditions 

AAC Worldwide 3 (2019) 28-29.


K. Ghazi Wakili, Th. Stahl

Innendämmung eines historischen Mauerwerks mit konventionellen und aerogelhaltigen Dämmstoffen - Eine hygrothermische Analyse 

Mauerwerk Kalender (2019) 591-607.


Stahl Th.

IR-Strahlungswechselwirkungen an Fassaden.

Bautenschutz - Nachweismethoden und Anwendungen 

Verlag Edition Bautenschutz (2018) Kapitel 10.


Ghazi Wakili K., Dworatzyk Ch., Sanner M., Sengespeick A., Paronen M., Stahl Th,

Energy efficient retrofit of a prefabricated concrete panel building (Plattenbau) in Berlin by applying an aerogel based rendering to its façades. 

Energy and Buildings 165 (2018) 293-300.


Lämmlein S., Mannes D., Schwarze F., Burger I., Sedighi Gilani M.

Combined experimental and numerical investigation of vibro-mechanical properties of varnished wood for stringed instruments 

Model Validation and Uncertainty Quantification, Volume 3 (2017) 81-83.


Sedighi Gilani M., Huch A., Fink S., Schwarze F.

Fracture in Norway spruce wood treated with Physisporinus vitreus.    

Wood Science and Technology 51 (2017) 195-206.


Stahl, Th, Ghazi Wakili K., Hartmeier S., Franov E., Niederberger W., Zimmermann M.

Temperature and moisture evolution beneath an aerogel based rendering applied to a historic building. 

Journal of Building Engineering 12 (2017) 140-146.


Stahl Th., Ghazi Wakili K.

Anstriche können eine Dämmung nicht ersetzen. 

Applica, 5 (2017) 22-29.


Masera G., Ghazi Wakili K., Stahl, Th,, Brunner S., Galliano R., Monticelli C., Aliprandi S., Zanelli A.,
Elesawy A.

Development of a super-insulating aerogel-based textile wallpaper for the indoor energy retrofit of existing residential buildings. 

Procedia Engineering 180 (2017) 1139-1149.


Schuss M., Mahdavi A., Pont U., Sustr Ch., Aien S.  Ghazi Wakili K., Stahl Th.

Strukturierte Aerogelputze. 

Bauphysik Kalender (2017) 153-175.


Sedighi Gilani M., Zhao Sh., Gaan S., Koebel M., Zimmermann T.

Design of a hierarchically structured wood-aerogel hybrid material via in-situ assembly of silica aerogel into wood cellular structure  

RSC Advances 67 (2016) 62825-62832.


Sedighi Gilani M., Pflaum J., Hartmann S., Kaufmann R., Baumgartner M., Schwarze F.

Microstructure-property relationship in varnished wood of string instruments.  

Applied Physics (2016) 122:260.


Desmarais G., Sedighi Gilani M., Vontobel P., Carmeliet J., Derome D.

Dynamics of polar and nonpolar liquids capillary uptake in softwood 

Transport in Porous Media 113 (2016) 383-404.


Sedighi Gilani M., Boone M., Fife J., Zhao Sh., Koebel M., Zimmermann T., Tingaut Ph.

Structure of cellulose-silica hybrid aerogel at sub-micron scale, studied by synchrotron X-ray tomographic microscopy  

Composite Science and Technology 124 (2016) 71-80.


Stahl Th., Ghazi Wakili K., Vonbank R., Brunner S.

Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur energetischen Sanierung von Fachwerkwänden mit Aerogeldämmputz als Innendämmung. 

Bauphysik 38 (2016) 274-284.


Goto Y., Ghazi Wakili K., Ostermeyer Y., Kalagasidis A. S., Wallbaum H.

Hygrothermal performance of a vapor-open envelope for subtropical Climate, field test and model validation. 

Building and Environment 110 (2016) 55-64.


Galliano R., Ghazi Wakili K., Stahl Th., Binder B., Daniotti. B.

Performance Evaluation of aerogel-based and Perlite-based prototyped insulations for internal thermal retrofitting: HMT model Validation by Monitoring at demo scale. 

Energy and Buildings 126 (2016) 275-286.


Stahl Th., K. Ghazi Wakili

Bewährungsprobe mit Bravour bestanden. 

Applica Sonderausgabe "Wir bauen Energiezukunft", (2016) 56 - 59.


K. Ghazi Wakili, A. Remhof

Reaction of aerogel containing ceramic fibre insulation to fire exposure.

Fire and Materials (2016) DOI: 10.1002/fam.2367


Sedighi Gilani M., Neuenschwander J., Heeb M., Furrer R., Sanabria S., Stoel BC., Schwarze F.

Influence of incubation time on the vibration and mechanics of Mycowood. 

HOLZFORSCHUNG 70 (2015) 557-565.


Sedighi Gilani M., Schwarze F.

Hygric properties of Norway spruce and sycamore after incubation with White rot fungi 

HOLZFORSCHUNG 69 (2015) 77-86.


Abbasion S., Carmeliet J.,  Sedighi Gilani M., Vontobel P., Derome D.

A hygrothermo-mechanical model for wood: Part A. Poroelastic formulation and validation with neutron imaging

HOLZFORSCHUNG 69 (2015) 825-837.


Sedighi Gilani M., Hugi E., Palma P., Carl S., Lehmann E.

Heat induced desorption of moisture in timber Joints with fastener during charring. 

Journal of Fire Technology 51 (2015) 1443-1445.


K. Ghazi Wakili, E. Hugi, L. Karvonen, P. Schnewlin, F. Winnefeld

Thermal behaviour of autoclaved aerated concrete exposed to fire. 

Cement & Concrete Composites 62 (2015) 52 - 58


Galliano R., Stahl T., Brunner S., Zhao S., Masera G., Aliprandi S.

Hygrothermal behaviour of three internal retrofit prototype solutions. 

Energy Procedia 78 (2015) 1413-1418.


Galliano R., Ghazi Wakili K., Binder B., Daniotti B.

Evaluation of three different retrofit solutions applied to the internal surface of a protected cavity wall. 

Energy Procedia 78 (2015) 848-853.


Ghazi Wakili K.Stahl Th., Heiduk E., Schuss M., Vonbank R., Pont U., Sustr C., Wolosiuk D.,

Mahdavi A.

High performance aerogel containing plaster for historic buildings with structured façades. 

Energy Procedia 78 (2015) 949-954.


Stahl Th.Ghazi Wakili K., Bretscher P.

Klein, aber fein. 

Bauen im Bestand 2 (2015) 56-60.


Stahl Th.

Doppelt dämmt besser. 

Applica, 1 (2015) 12-15.


Gariglio F., Ghazi Wakili K., Schnider Th., Brombacher V., Niemz P.

Experimental and numerical investigation on the hygrothermal behaviour of flat roof elements

made in hollow boxed construction. 

Bauphysik 37 (2015) 17-30.


Lal S., Poulikakos L., Sedighi Gilani M., Jerjen I., Vontobel P., Partl N., Carmeliet J., Derome D.

Investigation of water uptake in porous asphalt concrete using neutron radiography. 

Journal of Transport in Porous Media 105 (2014) 431-450.


Sedighi Gilani M., Tingout P., Heeb M., Schwarze F.

Influence of moisture on the vibro-mechanical properties of bio-engineered wood 

Journal of Materials Science 49 (2014) 7679-7687.


Sedighi Gilani M., Boone M., Mader K., Schwarze F.

Synchrotron X-ray micro-tomography imaging and analysis of wood degraded by Physisporinus vitreus and Xylaria longipes 

Journal of Structural Biology 187 (2014) 149-157.


Sedighi Gilani M., Lehmann E., Carmeliet J., Derome D.

Neutron Imaging of moisture displacement due to steep temperature gradients in hardwood 

International Journal of Thermal Sciences 81 (2014) 1-12.


Sedighi Gilani M., Vontobel P., Lehmann E., Derome D., Carmeliet J.

Neutron visualization and quantification of liquid transport in Scots pine sapwood and heartwood 

Materials and Structures 47 (2014) 1083-1096.


Sedighi Gilani M., Vontobel P., Lehmann E., Derome D., Carmeliet J.

Moisture migration in wood under heating by thermal neutron radiography 

Experimental Heat Transfer 27 (2014) 160-179.


Brunner S., Ghazi Wakili K.Stahl T., Binder B.

Vacuum insulation panels for building applications - Continuous challenges and developments. 

Energy and Buildings 85 (2014) 592-596.


Ghazi Wakili K., Binder B., Zimmermann M., Tanner Ch.

Efficiency verification of a combination of high performance and conventional insulation layers in retrofitting a 130 year old building. 

Energy and Buildings 82 (2014) 237-242.


Brunner S., Ghazi Wakili K.

Hints for an additional aging factor regarding the thermal performance of vacuum insulation panels with pyrogenic silica core. 

Vacuum 100 (2014) 4-6.


Poulikakos LD. Saneinejad S., Sedighi Gilani M., Jerjen L., Lehmann E., Derome D.

Forced convective drying of wet porous asphalt imaged with neutron radiography.  

Advanced Engineering Materials 15 (2013) 1136-1145.


Sedighi Gilani M., Boone M., Fife J., Ghazi Wakili K.

Dynamics of microcrack propagation in hardwood during heat treatment investigated by Synchrotron-based
X-ray tomographic microscopy

Wood Science and Technology 47 (2013) 889-896.


Poulikakos L., Sedighi Gilani M., Derome D., Vontobel P.

Time resolved analysis of drainage in porous asphalt concrete using neutron radiography.  

Applied Radiation and Isotopes 77 (2013) 5-13.


Derome D., Rafsanjani A., Hering S., Dressler M., Patera A., Lanvermann Ch., , Sedighi Gilani M., Wittle F., Niemz P., Carmeliet J.

The role of water in the behavior of wood. 

Journal of Building Physics 36 (2013) 398-421.


Sedighi Gilani M., Ghazi Wakili K., Carl C., Hugi E., Vontobel P.

Visualizing moisture release and migration during and beyond dehydration of gypsum plasterboard by neutron radiography.  

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 60 (2013) 284-290.


Stahl Th.

Erste Praxixerfahrungen mit einem neuentwickelten Wärmedämmputzsystem.

24. Hanseatische Sanierungstage, Messen Planen Ausführen,7-9 Nov. 2013, 

Ostseebad Heringsdorf/Usedom.


Lehmann B., Ghazi Wakili K., Frank Th., Vera Collado B., Tanner Ch.

Parameters affecting the infrared thermography results of building façades. 

Applied Energy 110 (2013) 29-43.


Stahl Th., Holzer M., Vonbank R.

Die Entwicklung eines mineralischen Feuchtespeicher-Grundputzes. 

Bauphysik 35 (2013) 346-355.


Sedighi Gilani M., Griffa M., Mannes D., Lehmann E., Carmeliet J., Derome D.

Visualization and quantification of liquid water Transport in softwood by means of Neutron radiography. 

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 6211-6221.


Stahl Th.,

Die Entwicklung eines Aerogel Dämmputzes und erste Testobjekte. 

17. Satus-Seminar „Forschen für den Bau im Kontext von Energie und Umwelt“ 13-14 Sept. 2012


Stahl Th., Hartmeier S.

Alles andere als ein Luftikus. 

Bauen im Bestand 4 (2012) 52-55.


Goto Y., Ghazi Wakili K., Frank Th., Stahl Th., Ostermeyer Y., Ando N., Wallbaum H.

Heat and moisture balance simulation of a building with vapour-open envelope system for

subtropical regions. 

Building Simulation 5 (2012) 301-314.


Brunner S., Stahl T.Ghazi Wakili K.

An example of deteriorated vacuum insulation panels in a building façade. 

Energy and Buildings 54 (2012) 278-282.


Stahl T., Brunner S., Zimmermann M., Ghazi Wakili K.

Thermo-hygric properties of a newly developed aerogel based insulation rendering for both

exterior and interior applications. 

Energy and Buildings 44 (2012) 114-117.


Tanner Ch., Lehmann B., Frank Th., Ghazi Wakili K.

Vorschlag zur standardisierten Darstellung von Wärmebildern mit Quali-Thermo. 

Bauphysik 33 (2011) 345-356.


Ghazi Wakili K., Brunner S., Stahl T.

Effective thermal conductivity of a staggered double layer of vacuum insulation panels. 

Energy and Buildings 43 (2011) 1241-1246


Stahl Th.

Wärmedämmputze – auch für historische Bauten.

22. Hanseatische Sanierungstage, Wärmeschutz und Altbausanierung,3-5 Nov. 2011, 

Ostseebad Heringsdorf/Usedom.


Goto Y., Ghazi Wakili K., Ostermeyer Y., Frank Th., Ando N., Wallbaum H.

Preliminary investigation of a vapor-open envelope tailored for subtropical climate.

Building and Environment 46 (2011) 719-728, MAR 2011.